Setup ============ .. code-block:: lua -- init.lua -- Load custom tree-sitter grammar for org filetype require('orgmode').setup_ts_grammar() -- Tree-sitter configuration require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup { -- If TS highlights are not enabled at all, or disabled via ``disable`` prop, highlighting will fallback to default Vim syntax highlighting highlight = { enable = true, disable = {'org'}, -- Remove this to use TS highlighter for some of the highlights (Experimental) additional_vim_regex_highlighting = {'org'}, -- Required since TS highlighter doesn't support all syntax features (conceal) }, ensure_installed = {'org'}, -- Or run :TSUpdate org } require('orgmode').setup({ org_agenda_files = {'~/Dropbox/org/*', '~/my-orgs/**/*'}, org_default_notes_file = '~/Dropbox/org/', }) Or if you are using ``init.vim``: .. code-block:: vim " init.vim lua << EOF -- Load custom tree-sitter grammar for org filetype require('orgmode').setup_ts_grammar() -- Tree-sitter configuration require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup { -- If TS highlights are not enabled at all, or disabled via `disable` prop, highlighting will fallback to default Vim syntax highlighting highlight = { enable = true, disable = {'org'}, -- Remove this to use TS highlighter for some of the highlights (Experimental) additional_vim_regex_highlighting = {'org'}, -- Required since TS highlighter doesn't support all syntax features (conceal) }, ensure_installed = {'org'}, -- Or run :TSUpdate org } require('orgmode').setup({ org_agenda_files = {'~/Dropbox/org/*', '~/my-orgs/**/*'}, org_default_notes_file = '~/Dropbox/org/', }) EOF * **Open agenda prompt**: ``oa`` * **Open capture prompt**: ``oc`` * In any orgmode buffer press ``g?`` for help If you are new to Orgmode, see `Getting started `_ section in Docs. Completion ************ If you use `nvim-compe `_ and want to enable autocompletion, add this to your compe config: .. code-block:: lua require'compe'.setup({ source = { orgmode = true } }) For `nvim-cmp `_, add ``orgmode`` to list of sources: .. code-block:: lua require'cmp'.setup({ sources = { { name = 'orgmode' } } }) For `completion.nvim `_, just add ``omni`` mode to chain complete list and add additional keyword chars: .. code-block:: lua vim.g.completion_chain_complete_list = { org = { { mode = 'omni'}, }, } vim.cmd[[autocmd FileType org setlocal iskeyword+=:,#,+]] Or just use ``omnifunc`` via ```` Tree-sitter info **************** Built in tree-sitter parser is used for parsing the org files. Highlights are experimental and partially supported. Advantages of tree-sitter over built in parsing/syntax: ############################################################ * More reliable, since parsing is done with proper parsing tool * Better highlighting (Experimental, still requires improvements) * Future features will be easier to implement because grammar already parses some things that were not parsed before (tables, latex, etc.) * Allows for easier hacking (custom motions that can work with TS nodes, etc.) Known highlighting issues and limitations ################################################ * Performance issues. This is generally an issue in Neovim that should be resolved before 0.6 release (`neovim Issue #14762 `_, `neovim Issue #14762 `_) * Anything that requires concealing (`org_hide_emphasis_markers `_, links concealing) is not (yet) supported in TS highlighter * LaTex is still highlighted through syntax file Improvements over Vim's syntax highlighting ################################################ * Better highlighting of certain parts (tags, deadline/schedule/closed dates) * `Tree-sitter highlight injections `_ through ``#BEGIN_SRC filetype`` blocks * Headline markup highlighting (`Issue #67 `_) Troubleshoot ############ - **Folding is not working** Make sure you are not overriding foldexpr in Org buffers with `nvim-treesitter folding `_ - **Indentation is not working** Make sure you are not overriding indentexpr in Org buffers with `nvim-treesitter indentation `_ - **I get** ``treesitter/query.lua`` **errors when opening agenda/capture prompt or org files** Make sure you are using latest changes from `tree-sitter-org `_ grammar by running ``:TSUpdate org`` and restarting the editor. - **Dates are not in English** Dates are generated with Lua native date support, and it reads your current locale when creating them. To use different locale you can add this to your ``init.lua``: .. code-block:: lua vim.cmd('language en_US.utf8') or ``init.vim``: .. code-block:: vim language en_US.utf8 Just make sure you have ``en_US`` locale installed on your system. To see what you have available on the system you can start the command ``:language`` and press ```` to autocomplete possible options. - **Links are not concealed** Links are concealed with Vim's conceal feature (see ``:help conceal``). To enable concealing, add this to your ``init.lua``: .. code-block:: lua vim.opt.conceallevel = 2 vim.opt.concealcursor = 'nc' Or if you are using ``init.vim``: .. code-block:: vim set conceallevel=2 set concealcursor=nc